Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Walking thru Hollywood

Last night I was a bit bored. So I decided to take a walk thru Hollywood. Hollywood and Highland to be precise. As I walked past the El Capitan theatre. I noticed that they were filming a segment for the Jimmy Kimmel Show. So I decided to be a looky loo and check it out. Was a pretty lame segment. Feeling tired of Hollywood. Which only took about 15 minutes I decided to walk back to my car, which was in the back part of the El Capital Theatre. As I was walking by I noticed that the recently dismissed dancer from Dancing with the Stars (Holly Madison and Steve Woziack) where signing autographs. Funny how they sign all these autographs to people who don't care about them. They only care about selling those autograph pictures. BTW thats my 2 cent's.

If your interested I just watched ADVENTURELAND, you know the movie with Kristen Stewart (bella from twilight)
Check out what I thought about it.

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